VOLO Village is a service that provides HOA's, communities, and condominiums easy access to the communication tools that are necessary to keep residents and homeowners connected and informed.
Communicate important messages to residents and owners using any device, no matter where you happen to be. All with the tap of a button. VOLO Village has you covered.
Unlike mail, VOLO Village lets you send unlimited messages instantaneously, and VOLO Village costs less than the price of a single stamp!
Let residents choose how they receive messages
Residents love how easy it is to manage and maintain their contact preferences.
Voice Message
Instantly send recorded voice messages to residents and owners!
Email Message
Send email message in plain-text or HTML. You can even include attachments!
Text Message
Send text messages to select residents and owners, or to the entire community!
VOLO Village Keeps your community safe
Information travels fast with VOLO Village. Get the word out about burglars, vandals, suspicious people and activities. Get ahead of the crime!